In order to attend ROSCon 2022, foreign business travelers and students can enter Japan as long as they have the proper visa issued by Embassies or Consulates or Consular Offices of Japan.
We have contracted with JTB Agency which will provide the necessary materials and support to both the ROSCon and IROS registrants for a one-time fee of 18,000 JPY or $132 USD. If you are also attending IROS and have already paid for this support during the IROS registration process, you do not need to purchase it again as the visa will cover a period of 90 days.
To apply for a visa, you must submit the required documents for visa application and your hosting organization’s certificate for ERFS registration to the Japanese overseas establishments in your country/region. The JTB Agency will provide the necessary materials and support to conference registrants if visa (including ERFS) application fee is paid. Please choose the “Yes, I require visa and ERFS support to attend ROSCon 2022” option when registering for the conference to pay the visa application fee. We will collect the fee and remit it to JTB on your behalf, and JTB will contact you for further requests afterward.
What is ERFS (Enters, Returnees Follow-up System)?
ERFS is a system used for "online application for foreign nationals," which is necessary for travelers to enter Japan.
What kind of visa will I receive?
JTB Agency will help you apply for business visas. The visa allows you to stay in Japan for 90 days, fully covering the conference period. Please contact JTB if you have other requests about visa applications.
Please refer to the following government pages for more information.
(COVID-19 Policies)
What does the cost cover?
The visa application costs 18,000 JPY, which is a standard value charged by JTB. The cost includes paperwork and ERFS registration carried out by JTB staff. They will contact you (by email) for basic information, examine and update your data, and return a list of materials ready to be submitted to your local Japanese oversea establishments. Your duty will be to submit those materials and wait for the visa to be issued. Note that you no longer need to pay visa processing fees to the Japanese overseas establishments in your country/region when submitting your materials. JTB will NOT submit these materials for you. You must submit these materials and wait for the visa to be issued.
What is the process to apply for a visa?
Register for ROSCon 2022
Check if you still need a visa to enter Japan (
If you do need a visa, during registration, indicate that you need visa support, and acknowledge the additional cost of 18,000 JPY.
A representative from JTB will reach out via email to provide support for the visa process within 5 business days of registering.
Gather all documentation requested by JTB, and return it to JTB so they can review your information and ensure it is ready for processing. Please allow 7-10 business days for JTB to review and return your documents.
Submit the documents at the Japanese Embassy/Consulate that is local to you; you will need to bring your passport with you and leave it during the processing time.
The estimated visa processing time is 5 business days, but please allow additional time prior to travel.
How to get in touch with the JTB Agency:
JTB Corp., Western Japan MICE Branch
JTB Bldg. 6F, 2-1-25, Kyutaromachi
Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0056
TEL: +81-6-6210-5405 FAX: +81-6-6210-5423
Emergency Contact Information